What ' s The Best Scar Treatment For Dark Scars?
Several scar treatments help fade dark scars, brown spots, and other types of skin horny - pigmentation. These include: 1 ) Hydroquinone ( HQ ) 2 ) Kojic acid3 ) Vitamin C ( like ascorbic acid ) 4 ) Natural scar treatments like licorice extractHydroquinone is considered by many to be the gold standard treatment for aflame - pigmented skin lesions and dark scars. Spun out - expression use can be associated with side effects however and in that of this, some countries have festive the sale of hydroquinone. One potential side side effect is Ochronosis which can lead to permanent delighted - pigmentation, impaired nick healing and decreased skin elasticity. Hydroquinone can again occasionally cause skin allergy and a change in nail color. Through of these potential complications many European countries allow hydroquinone use apart by prescription and it is also highly regulated throughout Asia. Hydroquinone does not address any other aspects of an revolting scar other than the dark pigment. Interestingly, it ' s effectiveness also decreases with recur use. Kojic acid and helps lighten the dark pigment experimental in dark scars and other skin lesions like melasma and brown spots. While it is not as effective as hydroquinone, the distinction of kojic acid has bounteous over the agedness as people have mature more fearful of hydroquinone ' s potential side effects. Kojic acid is again more " natural " as it is produced by several different types of fungi. Once again, there is no improvement in scar healing drop for lightening of piqued - pigmentation. Many-sided forms of vitamin C have been shown to fade piqued - pigmentation effectively without the side effects associated with hydroquinone or kojic acid. L - ascorbic acid and other vitamin C esters again normalize collagen production after skin injury, leading to more organized collagen formation closer to that practical in normal, uninjured skin. This makes vitamin C a very good scar treatment in general. The problem with vitamin c is stability. Most forms of vitamin C used in skin care products are unstable and turn brown after the container is opened. This is a sign that the vitamin C has mature oxidized and consequently no longer works. Products that are brown to effect with should best be avoided as many manufacturers color the cream brown so that users cannot proclaim when the cream becomes oxidized. Choose a product which specifically address this vitamin C stability issue ( usually by combining ascorbic acid with a second form of vitamin C ) and is not brown to get going with ). Licorice extract is an effective, safe natural scar treatment: it has burly anti - inflammatory properties and accelerates skin renewal. Both vitamin C and licorice inhibit tyrosinase, the enzyme that causes pigmentation in response to sun exposure and skin injury. Interestingly, licorice boosts the scar lightening effects of vitamin C so the 2 should be combined for best results. As a charity, licorice besides has anti - acne effects ( both prevention and treatment ). Whichever treatment you impel to use it is important to be considerate. You will not see immediate results with any topical treatment. Be prepared to use your treatment oftentimes for weeks before you start to see results and also be indisputable to apply sun block routinely to prevent worsening animated - pigmentation.
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